Just because you live in an area that hasn't experienced a flood in a number of years does not meant that you don't need some form of home owner flood insurance. If you live on a mountain top you probably don't need this type of insurance. If you are unsure if you may need flood insurance then it may be a good idea to check a few of these reasons why you may need to obtain some.
The first thing that you need to determine is whether or not you and your house is in a flood plain. Sometimes it's not always easy to tell if you are living in a flood plain. In many cases it is determined by the proximity of your home to the nearest body of water which is normally a lake or river. One thing many people don't consider is how fast a small stream or drainage can flood or if they are living many miles downstream from a dam that can considerably expand the known flood plain. Many communities and states have specific criteria as to what constitutes a flood plain and will tell you if your home would require flood insurance.
An important thing to remember is that your standard home owners insurance does not normally cover flood damage. Water damage requires flood insurance and if your foundation, interior walls and home contents are damaged by a flood if you don't have flood insurance you may have to cover these losses out of pocket.
If you do live in a flood plain having flood insurance will help alleviate any stress you may have if your home is flooded. Most insurance is purchased with the hope that it will never be needed. But if disaster does strike it can help replace your loss and prevent a personal financial disaster.
If you need more information about flood insurance and whether or not you may need it a visit with your local insurance agent will do much to answer your questions.
For more information about home owner flood insurance policy please visit the website Home Insurance Quotes by Clicking Here.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Bicknell
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